"The Hustle Made Me Do It!" An Interview with KivoDaily

Posted by Luis Cortes on

Written By Joshua Stutts


Earlier this week I had the chance to sit down with Luis Cortes. I first met Luis when he was working at Apple and I was blown away by his accomplishments in business and in life, this was about a year ago. Now Luis is working for a company in the Legal Technology Field called “Cicayda” and needless to say, Luis is still crushing it. 

So Luis, how old are you, where are you from, and what do you do?

“I’m 28 years old, and I was born in Mexico. I’m a business development professional for the legal technology company, Cicayda, where we build technology to help law firms and corporations overcome eDiscovery and Litigation. I’m also an Investor and in Real Estate and have an E-Commerce store.”

What brought you to America?

“I came to America at the age of 7. My parents like those of all the “Dreamers” wanted to give my two sisters and me a better life. They took the chance and brought us to America. I remember being 7 and thinking “wow I’m in the land of opportunity.” I knew I wanted to make it big and my mind was set on becoming a millionaire since I can recollect my back to early days in America. I knew I didn’t want to waste this once in a lifetime opportunity.”  

Did you go to college? Do you recommend college for entrepreneurs? Why or why not?

“I did 4 semesters of college. It was a good experience but for me, I always felt like a sheep in the classroom. I think real-world experience is the best experience. I’ve found success by finding the right mentors- If I’m ever the smartest person in the room then I’m with the wrong crowd. Understand your vision, and if college will help you reach your vision, then go for it.”

What motivated you to be an entrepreneur?

“The hustle, the struggle, and just my past. I always knew I wanted to be my own boss, and when I realized it was a possibility I took the leap of faith.”

Your company, Cicayda, what do you all do?

“We develop software solutions for legal professionals. Our goal is to assist them in the Electronic Discovery Process.”

What 3 tips do you have for someone starting in E-Commerce?

“Put your customers first – always respond in a timely manner to any requests they may have. Know your niche. Be consistent on all of your platforms, and protect your brand.”

Are you currently mentoring anyone in the business right now?

“I am – I currently sit on the board of directors of Argus Ventures Inc. in Louisville KY, LightHouse Affects in Indiana and StraightEdge Builds in Nashville, TN. I also volunteer my time to mentor young professionals through Futuro, a local program in Nashville that helps minorities find their way through the professional world after graduation.”

What qualifies someone a person who you would take the time to mentor?

“Drive, willingness to commit to a life of learning, and a positive mental attitude.”

What are some core values/ principles that you try to live by?

“I have four major values: 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don’t take anything personally. 3. Don’t make assumptions. 4. Always do your best.” 

What would you tell an aspiring entrepreneur in high school right now?

“Never stop dreaming, and using your creative imagination. No dream is too big. What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

Do you have any other plans in the future personally or in business?

“Personally: Continue to learn and grow, continue to foster relationships that are important to me. keep improving Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually. Hopefully, find a like-minded life partner to continue my journey with. In Business – Continue to build and be a part of different startups. I love investing in stocks and will continue to hone my skills in that area. I ultimately  want to continue mentoring younger entrepreneurs, and share my skills in leadership and management with others.”


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